About Drem

THIS SITE HAS BEEN CLOSED FOR OVER A YEAR. Now I’m trying to figure out if my fanbase is still out there. If you are, say something. Comment. Like. Something so I know you guys are still here. In the meantime, I am going to be giving the site a little bit of a facelift. A lot has changed so there is a learning curve with the block system and stuff. I want to ultimately make this more user-friendly, which should be achievable because one of my degrees is in computer science. But, it’s been a long time since I used the languages and tips. So, links might send you to the wrong place. I’m working on it. Sorry. I hope you understand.

Drem, her current pen name, is a 20-something girl from the East Coast living with a chronic incurable illness. She refuses to die before seeing Billy Joel sing in person.

She has been writing fairly consistently since age ten.

She has been published in numerous magazines, newspapers, and anthologies in the New York area.

She worked as a reporter and photographer for a NY borough daily newspaper for several years, and editor and contributor for one magazine in NYC for two years, as well as a freelancing contributor to a bunch of other ones.

Now she’s a freelancing personal art curator.

Drem’s work here mainly features trauma/biographical poetry.

Her physical pain inspires a lot of her darker work. If you read more than one piece, you will soon find all of her stuff pretty much centers around chronic pain, with extensions on other depressing aspects of life including by not limited to dealing with domestic violence, anxiety, depression itself, PTSD and more sad-face-causing inspirations.

Her photographs, drawings and personal art collection, on the other hand, reveal how beautiful she can see the world.

She hopes to connect with people on here and hopes that someone finds her work interesting.

To contact Drem, please comment below.

You can alternatively email her at ArtofDrem@Gmail.com

70 thoughts on “About Drem

    1. It is unfortunately very painful (which leads to great inspiration– bright side?). The pills don’t help. The treatments don’t help. Chemo is a bitch. I’m toxic and I put more toxins in my body. It makes complete medical sense, doesn’t it? But I’ve always been this way. So it is not new.
      I hope yours is not too painful as well. If you ever want to talk about it, I am here.

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      1. hahaa. I like water. Or one of those fancy over-priced coffees with too many shots of espresso. I am a coffee person who wastes money on fancy sounding sugar crap like Caramel Brûlée Lattes. But hey, at least I know my faults and admit them.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I wanted to reply with a picture but I forgot this is not Facebook. So imagine the pic of my fridge opened showing six bars of dark cocoa 73% sitting nicely close to beer cans.


    1. Hi Amra. Thank you very much. Unfortunately, I won’t recover. But I will check out your blog and I hope you read some of my work and let me know if you find something interesting ^-^


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      1. I´m not kind, I too don´t have much life expectancy. And what I don´t like is winners, and you certainly don´t look like one. I live life each day as it is my last, and with a big freaking smile like this one 🙂 (but cutter though), as much as I can.


      2. Thank you! My poetry is very depressing. But, what I try to do is take all my sadness and write it out and move on the best I can. We know it’s not easy, but I try!


      3. And is good that you express yourself, I actually say that writing is my form of therapy or my form of doing yoga. Everyone is different, so for me I write crazy nutty things (for the most part, it is called Crazy Life the blog) and that keeps my mind occupied on what I consider to be my art. Even if the bastards around me think that what I do is a joke and that I should go back to do the same old shitty jobs like construction. Not cool by the way.


      4. I’m at a place at the moment where I can’t do much else so I officially call myself an “artist” which is really funny because it’s synonymous with broke.

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      5. I´m the contrary, I really don´t look much at the statistics. Never got into this wordpress thing for that. Since I only did a year and a bit of college, I call this my free online university (not counting what I pay for internet that is). I really started reading and reading others, all types, first short stories, then one day I decided to write something myself a person who had a great deal of followers and actually he does live out of his art, thought it was good and featured me in his blog. Good man this guy. So I started writing, since I hadn´t done so in 10+ years, then reading more it got me to a poetry site, thought I would give that a try and eventually the blog has become more of a poetry thing, although I do mix it up sometimes. Darwin- evolution of the species 😉

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      6. Forgot, went all over. Point being is that I can´t deny is not rewarding to see that people actually read my nutty thing, ofcourse it is. But I never really did it for followers, I did it for me, my own pleasure, write about what I like to write about not what I think people want to read and seems that people actually like it which is quite the surprise really


  1. Love your personality. Thank you for joining in the Haiku Challenge and I hope you keep coming back for more. I seriously get good vibes from you. I don’t mean that in a hippy kind of way. 😀


    1. I’m not a challenge person. It’s often too many rules. And I don’t like deadlines. But I appreciate that you are motivating people to write in a creative ancient style.

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  2. Drem has to feature on Celona’s plat
    Love your works hun.. I am drawn to ‘real’ and ‘precise’ and you represent that..
    I guess our intentions are to ink and heal regardless inevitable tantrums.


      1. Celona’s plat;a platform where a Nigerian dude who just loves bringing very real and brutal truths from any part of the world lives. He tries to promotes raw expressions of humanity …and I try to inspire as well 😉

        I love what you do with words hun 😉

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Unless I’m automatically given an award based on my blog’s work, with maybe a submission of my favorite posts, I don’t do it.
      Stuff like this is all about making the creator of the award get more hits.

      But thank you for thinking of me! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Drem? Pain is my middle name but? I am beginning to scratch it off. Please. I have so much to offer you in the way of love more than advise or any kind. Nothing helps when it comes to pain. That is nothing humanly speaking. But there is a way. I and many others have found it. You will as well. It is not by chance we happen to cross our path. I will like to send you a preview of the book. Tell me if you interested. I’ll PDF it on the double. OK. Love u, thiaBasilia.


      1. You mention all the situations that I have gone through and have overcome in my 77th years since birth. I wrote it all in the book Dysfunctional Mother In A Dysfunctional Family
        The Book to enthrall your mind & heart from beginning to end. Will hit the market in the middle of July.

        You touched my heart. I don’t know but? The one think I know is that by other people sharing their lives with me they helped me so, I want to share to help in some kind of way.

        If you interested, I’ll send you a link to the finished chapters of the book. Is that better? 🙂


      2. If it’s titled, ” Dysfunctional Mother In A Dysfunctional Family”- I’m not a mother and I don’t have dysfunctional family I associate with. I don’t think I’m your target audience. Also, I doubt you read any of my work. And, to be honest this sounds like you just want me to end up buying your book or going to ur blog. PLUS it looks like you think you’re a self-help Christian guru. I may be Christian but I don’t take kindly to people assuming things about me and telling me what to do considering everyone is unique and has unique experiences. We aren’t all the same, yet all Self-Help books treat people that way. If you read my blog, you would see I actually have posts about the whole thing being a money making scheme to sell books and hosts seminars and speak at churches- again painting everyone with the same brush and claiming they KNOW THE TRUTH TO SALVATION AND A HEALTHY LIFE.

        But send away if you want to. I don’t mind receiving work. I do like when I receive work from people who have read mine, have followed me and are inspirational themselves. From what I read on your page, you don’t seem that way.


      3. I understand. It is nothing like you gather from my comment & offer. Though the book is for sale by George! the last thing in my mind was to promote to you. But thanks so much. You have enlighten me big time as to how I am coming through–completely the opposite to what is in my heart.
        No worries though. I am glad you got this matter out in the open.
        Want to know the truth? I feel exactly the way you do about self-helpers. I am not a self-helper. You have shown me that’s how I am coming through.
        One more thing: Everybody is giving the first book for free so people buy the rest of their books. I am doing the opposite, I am selling this book–the only one that will be sold–the rest will be free.
        Even so, I had not intended for you to buy it at all. I just thought that reading it you would have gotten to know me and we could have been friends.
        It didn’t work that way. No biggie. No need to continue this matter. Good bye. His love remains in my heart for you.

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      4. I am happy it was just a miscommunication (it is hard to tell online) and you weren’t actually doing that. Like I said before, feel free to send.


      5. Drem? So glad you comment back. I am writing all about why it came to you to let me have it! lol You are absolutely right, I am not like that but? Without realizing I was getting into that disgraceful band wagon of nothing but dishonesty in the guise of help. Like you I hate that market and I am getting out of it! I do not fit there. One thing I am not guilty? I really did not intend for you to buy my book. lol
        But Father wants me to sell that one book and I must obey. If you wish, keep reading the posts I am inspired to write. It’s all about how the Spirit of our Father deals with me. Not with you or anyone else. As you know we are all unique. And hahaha the greatest blow or insult you can throw my way is to consider me A CHRISTIAN! lol I do not adhere to any religion whatsoever. I been a Christian but not no more. Now I am a heretic–I do not adhere to any rules or philosophies or what have you. But that is something that I did not labor for and I am saying it without any malice or rancor in my heart.
        So glad for you taking the time to tell me the truth of your feelings. I absolutely don’t blame you. You can read what Father is giving me about it all if you care. Bye. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  4. So sorry for all you have to go through at such a young age. I also have a chronic illness and, like you, choose to live with it day-by-day rather than worry about the inevitable. I was a hospice nurse and used to remind my patients that we just don’t know!

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    1. (: Any time. I like your spirituality. It’s important. My work is about mental illness and physical illness, mostly. I don’t write what you write but what you write is important for the soul.



  5. WordPress at the comment you left on my blog. And I’m only just seen it now years later. On behalf of this idiotic platform I would like to apologise from the bottom of my heart. Do not give up on me.


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